Rich, Happy, and Hot Scholarship! – I wanna go to NYC!

this is my scholarship entry for RHH Live. Check out the program on the RHH Website.

Hi Marie,

I am Terez D’Babetta Baskin and I am the Editor in Chief of We are the charming place on the web for Fashion, PR, and Lifestyle tips. I have an amazing team of editors who are young and ambitious. I would like to turn my site into a full on Social Media and Fashion PR firm.

My biggest hurdle; beside cash flow, is that no one knows that we are even alive. We have an amazing website, and a wealth of knowledge. We get little to no engagement from my online audience, and no clients. I need to position myself as the expert so when I give advice people see the value in my experience and understanding of Public Relations and Social Media so they will hire us. I live to educate others about Social Media and Public Relations.

Once I get pass this [great wall of china] hurdle, I could do the Beyonce bootie dance at my own RHH type events teaching bloggers, designers, and brands about PR and Fashion Social Media Strategy. The sky would be the limit for me. My website is my platform for the laundry list of opportunities that I know are out there for the earning once I clear the path to greatness. You said that your businesses have afforded you the freedom to spend time with your family and do things that you love. I am ready for that kind of life. I am ready for the easy work that comes with doing something you absolutely love, but I know there is a smarter way to hustle into the life I want to be living.

I know I am on the right track, but I don’t know what to do next. I don’t want to waste my time, talent, or money on things that won’t add value to my business and won’t get me closer to my business goals. I know that if I want to play at the level of the big PR firms I am going to have to get off my ass and get the knowledge I need to take me to the next level. I have attended all kinds of networking events, blogger bootcamps, and fashion shows. RHH Live is going to be the spark to light the right fire for me; I can feel it.

I would love to be in one of those seats. I need one of those seats. I watch Q & A Tuesday religiously and believe you are not only down to earth (you make me laugh), but know your $hit. I want to be yet, another RHH success story, and I can only do that if I win this scholarship. Thank you for your time and consideration. Please pick me. I won’t let you down, because I can’t let myself down.

XOXO See you in NYC,

Terez D. Baskin

About mrsprettyinpink

I may not be perfect, but I am always Pretty in Pink. I am a Mom, Beauty Lover, Fashion, and Lifestyle Blogger, Social Media Rockstar. I also like photography and cooking. I am a eclectic wonder. Follow me on my journey through everyday life. Thanks!

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